As your go-to experts in home sprinkler repair and installation services, we’re naturally pretty well-educated in gardening considerations of all kinds at Greenside. Our services extend beyond simply installing and maintaining your system, and also include offering the expertise you need for the perfect home garden.
One of the most important considerations here is matching your sprinkler system and layout to the type of garden you’re looking to build. You know a basic in-ground sprinkler is likely best for a large grass lawn, but what about many other areas? Let’s take a basic look, whether you’re using a drip irrigation system or any of our other sprinkler products.
Drip irrigation is generally considered the best system for veggies, and especially grouping plants together that have similar watering needs. Seedlings and veggies that are flowering or setting fruit need more water than mature plants, so make sure to keep this in mind. On flat ground, soaker hoses tend to work very well. For smaller veggie gardens, some people simply plant in rows with furrows, build basins around larger plants and hand-water everything.
Especially in cases where any of these are on a slope, low-volume systems with drip emitters are generally most efficient for trees and shrubs. Simply build a basin of soil around them, and attach a deep-root irrigator into the end of a hose. Use this to inject water in the soil near roots. For established trees, soaker hoses can work well for intermittent deep watering.
For these plants, the proper system will depend on how closely together beds are spaced. If they’re very close together, drip-emitter lines work best. If there’s more space between beds, individual drip-emitters are the way to go. Soaker hoses dripping slowly over the root zo is the name of the game – overhead watering can tip or fade flowers, and there are several species or annuals and perennials that can be at higher risk of disease with overhead systems.
Many container plants work best with gentle hand-watering, or for hanging baskets, a half-hour submersion in tubs of water to help saturate the soil. In other situations, basic drip tubing into pots for a few minutes a day can be the best system.
Want more information on the right sprinkler system for your yard and garden, or on any of our other services? The experts at Greenside are standing by to assist you.
Greenside Sprinkler Repair boasts of dedicated repairmen in Salt Lake City. Contact our experts at Greenside to learn more about our sprinkler repair solutions – everything from valves and dry spots to drip irrigation systems.
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