The toughest part of sprinkler installation for many people is organizing smaller wires and timers within the machine, but at Greenside Sprinkler Repair, we have you covered. Our expert technicians will guide you through the installation process so that your system is perfectly tuned, plus they’ll spend time working with you individually to make sure you understand the ins and outs of wiring in the future.

Depending on the size of your sprinkler system, you’ll have a certain number of circuits that are controlled by their own sprinkler control valve. Our technicians will help you arrange which circuits correspond to specific areas in your yard, plus show you how to make alterations here if necessary. They’ll also show you how to use valves to prevent backflow and other similar issues.

In most cases, your entire system will be controlled by a single timer, which tells the entire system of circuits when to turn on and off. We’ll arrange the wiring to your specifications, and show you where your low-voltage cable is buried. We’ll leave extra wire strands in case you decide to add on to your irrigation system later on down the road – a simple process we’re happy to provide you with should it become necessary.

Don’t let your sprinkler system get crossed up and become ineffective for certain areas based on faulty wiring or basic timers. Come to the experts at Greenside Sprinkler repair to get the highest quality installation, plus to learn about permanent ways to maintain your system personally. Speak to our trusted technicians today to find out more.


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Greenside Sprinkler Repair boasts of dedicated repairmen in Salt Lake City. Contact our experts at Greenside to learn more about our sprinkler repair solutions – everything from valves and dry spots to drip irrigation systems.

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